Society and the Environment

Web Links

The assignment:

The World Wide Web (WWW) on the internet is a fantastic source of information on environmental issues. In each of the first two reports you will a) identify an environmental topic of interest to you (for example, pollution of Chesapeake Bay), and b) locate two different web sites that present information on that topic. I encourage you to find sites that present contrasting opinions on the topic. The third report will inform you for our consideration of the Congressional debate on the confirmation of the Kyoto global warming agreement.

A Web Reports will consist of two parts that should be submitted to me via email:

1) (5 points) The URLs (Uniform Resource Locators, i.e. http://server_name/..) of the Web pages that you review along with a brief description of what is at each page. After my approval, these summaries and links will be published by me on the Society and Environment WWWeb Page.

2) (20 points) A one to two page paper that describes in greater detail what you learned about the assigned topic from your "web-crawl." You should always consider the source of information that you get from the wwweb. How does the agenda of the particular group or individual influence the nature of the site?

The product of this class project will be an annotated list of interesting and informative Environmental WWWeb pages that can be used as a starting point for further exploration.

This page will be updated through the semester as members of Hamilton College Environmental Studies 150 class provide summaries of environmental web sites.

Environmental sites on the Internet: This is a Sweden-based homepage that provides links to a comprehensive list of environmentally related websites. It would be an excellent place to begin your search for websites that pertain to a particular environmental issue. Scroll down the Contents window on the left side of the page to reveal the breadth of resources that are accessable. The Subject list has dozens of topics from Accounting to World Health Organization.

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