Biology 110

Growth and differention events controlled by hormones

Auxin (IAA)

Darwin's experiments - phototropism

Went's experiments - bioassay


Mechanism of auxin-induced expansion growth

Gibberellins (GA)




Cytokinins (CK)


Auxin : Cytokinin ratio


Apical dominance



Fruit ripening

Abscisic acid (ABA)

Stress response


Sample questions from past exams:

Explain the following observation: A hard green banana placed in a closed bag with a rotting apple will turn yellow and soft faster than a green banana left unbagged.

In this experiment segments were cut from corn coleoptiles; T and B identify the top and bottom of the segment in the original coleoptile position. Agar blocks containing IAA were placed on one end of the segments. Plain agar blocks were placed on the other end of the segment, and after 12 hours in the dark were placed on the edge of decapitated coleoptiles. The diagrams illustrate the appearance of the decapitated coleoptiles after 12 more hours in the dark.

a. Interpret (i.e. provide an explanation for) the results of this experiment.

b. Explain the basis of your reasoning (i.e. how do you know?).

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