Biology 110

Plant Organs, Tissues, and Cells - overview

Plant Organs: Function to capture diffusely available resources where they are abundant and / or transport them to where they are needed for metabolic activity. Know the function of each organ system and the resources that are captured or transported by it.

Common theme of roots and leaves &endash; maximize surface area for exchange of materials.

Plant tissues: All organs are composed of three types of tissues. Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform particular functions. Know the kinds of cells that make up the different tissues and the function of the different tissues in the different organs.

Plant cells: All tissues are composed of different kinds of cells. Plant cells are fundamentally different from animal cells in at least three ways. Be able to describe the cell properties that are characteristic of plant cells and how they contribute to plant life.

Cell walls: Structure

Cell walls: Functions

The virtual cell website: ( is a good place to review some of the characteristics of plant cells.


Sample questions from past exams:

Explain the following observation: Plant cell walls contribute significantly to the structure of plants in 2 ways.

All plant organs are made up of 3 types of tissue. Locate them on this diagram of a cross section of a root, and describe their functions in roots.

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