Biology 110

Roots and mineral nutrients

Functions provided by roots:

Macroscopic structure of roots - tap roots versus fibrous roots

Microscopic structure of roots - Root tissues and their functions

Pathway for water and minerals to enter root xylem: Symplasm and Apoplast

Water and minerals in the soil

Elements essential for plant function

Symbioses that enhance plant nutrient uptake:

Carnivory is an adaptation that enhances mineral nutrient uptake by plants in extremely nutrient deficient habitats.

Sample question from past exams:

Compare and contrast the pathways for uptake of water and minerals from soil to vascular system of roots through the apoplast and symplast.

Name three roles that essential elements play in plants and name an element and its specific role for each.

All plant organs are made up of 3 types of tissue. Locate them on this diagram of a cross section of a root, and describe their functions in roots.

Plants can form mutually beneficial symbiotic associations with both fungi and bacteria. Name either of these associations and describe the benefits gained by plants and the benefits provided by plants to the symbiont.

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