Naomi Guttman was born in Montreal in 1960, graduated from Concordia University, received her M.F.A. from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College in North Carolina, and her M.A. in English from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. She has received grants from the Ministere des Affiares Culturales and the Canada Council and was a winner of the Bliss Carman Award for Lyric Poetry in 1989. Her book of poems, Reasons for Winter, won the A.M. Klein Award in 1992, a poetry award granted by the Quebec Society for English Language Literature.


Reasons for Winter

From the Cover --
Guttman is concerned with the exact delineation of specific human interiors at specific moments, but she frequently manages to show us truths of a much broader nature. These poems are about intimacy -- its many forms, how it marks us, how we long for it, they ways in which it is both our fulfillment and our undoing.


Created by:
Jennifer Bogdanski
Rachel Hallman
Last Modified: 8/02/96