Geology 110 - Environmental Geology

Welcome to Environmental Geology!

Spring 2002

Professor Todd Rayne

Science 108a 859-4698

This is the Hamilton College Environmental Geology Home Page for the Spring 2002 semester. Look here for assignments, messages, and links to interesting and informative sites that add to the topics we are discussing during the semester. To check the syllabus for the course, go to the bottom of the page. Come back here frequently!




1. The final exam will be given on three occasions: Wednesday afternoon at 2:00, Friday afternoon at 2:00, and Sunday morning at 9:00. The exam will be given in our classroom (116 Science) on each date. Please note the change in time for the Sunday exam.

Web Assignments

Nearly every week I will assign a problem. The problem will pertain to a topic that we are discussing in lecture, and will usually involve using the computer and/or the internet. After the first week of class, the problem will only be posted here on our web site - it will not be announced in class. Your job is to follow the instructions and complete the assignment.

Sometimes the assignment will be a written review of information from a web site. Other assignments may involve finding information about a subject we are discussing in class.

No more web assignments this semester...

 Come back to this site regularly - don't miss out!

To find out what's going on....syllabus