MUS 277 - final projects

final projects

MUS 277 - Fall 2010

Daryl Berke (mp3 file)

Noah Ennis (mp3 file)

Liam Frost (mp3 file)

Daniel Keating (mp3 file)

Devon Lynch (mp3 file)

Michael Manwaring (mp3 file)

Makenna Perry (zip file of MAX patch. Requires MAX/MSP/Jitter 5.0 or later)

Kyle Rajaniemi (mp3 file)

Matt Therkelsen (mp3 file)

Rachel Ward (mp3 file)

Ian Wayne (mp3 file)

Ben Wilson (mp3 file)

Lauren Zoltick (mp3 file)

(all files copyright 2010 by the Trustees of Hamilton College)

Cool Colors

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