Kirkland Project Apple

Hewlett Grant 2003 Recipients


Hewlett Recipients:

Yael Aronoff, Government: Ethics in International Relations

Carole Bellini-Sharp, Theatre & Dance: SophSem 1968: The Year of Protest

Jennifer Borton, Psychology: Psy101 Introduction to Psychology

Martine Guyot-Bender, French: Fr140 Communication in Francophone Cultural Contexts: Intermed. French II AND Fr250 Exploring Contemporary France

Stuart Hirshfield, Computer Science: SophSem Gender Issues in Computer Science Education

Esther Kanipe, History: SophSem 1968: The Year of Protest AND EdStu205F: Introduction to Disability Studies

Craig Latrell, Theatre & Dance: THETR307 History of the Western Theatre

Robert Martin, Government: SophSem The American Founding: Ideals and Reality

Kyoko Omori, E Asian Langs: CP LIT/JPN263 Deconstructing Orientalism: Representations of Japan in Popular Culture

Ann Owen, Economics: ECON101 Issues in Microeconomics

Carl Rubino, Classics: Romans on Film

Franklin Sciacca, Russian & German: SophSem 1968 The Year of Protest

Steven Yao, English: Intro. to Asian American Studies

Penny Yee, Psychology: SophSem Gender Issues in Computer Science Education


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