Humor any teacher can appreciate

This item circulated in 2002 with a citation that is was posted at It is still there in November 2015 and still relevant, so I share a slightly edited/enhanced version here for amusement.

Universal Grade Change Form

To: (professor/teacher/instructor) ________________________

From: _____________________

I think my grade in your course,_________________, should be changed from___to___for the following reasons:

  1.____The persons who copied my paper made a higher grade than I did.
  2.____The person whose paper I copied made a higher grade than I did.
  3.____This course will lower my GPA and I won't get into:
              __Med School   __Dental School   __PA School   __PT School  __Vet Med School   __Nursing School
              __Grad School   __Chiropractic School  __ Acupuncture School  __study abroad program   __Mickey Mouse Club
  4.____I have to get an A in this course to balance the F in ___________.
  5.____I'll lose my scholarship.
  6.____I'm on a varsity sports team, and my coach couldn't find a copy of your exam.
  7.____I got a concussion playing __________. 
  8.____I had an ___early ___ away game ___during labs___during exam times.
  9.____I had to leave ___class ___labs early, because Coach says I have to be at practice before class/lab ends.
10.____I didn't come to class, and the person whose notes I used did not cover the material asked for on the exam.
11.____I studied the basic principles but the exam wanted every little fact.
12.____I studied the facts and definitions but the exam asked about general principles.
13.____I understood the material; I just couldn't do the problems.
14.____I can work the problems, but your exam expected understanding.
15.____You are prejudiced against:
             __males  __females  __Protestants  __Jews  __Catholics  __Muslems  __Buddhists  __atheists
             __Asians  __Blacks  __Chicanos  __Whites  __minorities  __jocks  __students  
             __young people   __old people   __people
16.____If I flunk out of school my father will disinherit me or at least cut my allowance.
17.____I was unable to do well in this course because of the following:
             __mono __acute alcoholism   __drug addiction  __VD   __broken finger   __pregnancy__fatherhood
             __I have an allergic reaction to brain work   __I am intellectually challenged.
             __My (father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, friend) (died, was injured in a plane, train, auto crash)
18.____You told us to be creative but you didn't tell us exactly how you wanted that done.
19.____I was creative and you said I was just shoveling bull.
20.____The lectures were:
             __too detailed to pick out important points  __not explained in sufficient detail  __all jokes and no material
             __too serious--not enough entertainment to keep me awake   __too boring.
21.____This course was:
              __too early, I was not awake.   __too late, I was tired.   __at lunchtime, I was hungry.
22.____My (dog, cat, gerbil) (ate, wet on, threw up on) my (book, notes, term paper) for this  course.
23.____All my other profs have agreed to raise my grades.
24.____I am entitled to a higher grade.
25.____I don't have a reason; I just want a higher grade.


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