Carol Ann Drogus (Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison), Associate
Professor of Government, studies comparative politics, emphasizing
Latin America, particularly Brazil. She is the author of Women,
Religion, and Social Change in Brazil's Popular Church (University
Press of Notre Dame Press, 1997). Her most recent articles are "No
Land of Milk and Honey: Women CEB Activists and Politics in Post-Transition
Brazil," Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs
(Winter 1999-2000), and "Religious Pluralism and Social Change:
Coming to Terms with Complexity and Convergence," Latin
American Research Review (Winter 2000). Her articles have also
appeared in Comparative Politics, Southeastern Political
Review, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions (France),
Der uberblick (Germany), and Tempo e Presenca (Brazil),
as well as the edited volumes Conflict and Competition: The Latin
American Church in the 1990s (1992), Power, Politics, and
Pentecostals in Latin America (1997), and The Progressive
Catholic Church as a Catalyst for Social Change in the Americas
Professor Drogus has received Fulbright and Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation Grants, and has been a Residential Fellow
at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University
of Notre Dame (1992-93). She and Emily Roynestad '00 received an
Emerson grant for summer collaborative research. The paper they
wrote, "Market Citizens or Union Maids?: Working Women and
Politics in a Globalized Chile" won an award at the Middle
Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies meeting in April 2000.
She is currently writing a book on women political activists in
post-military Brazil and Chile, with Cecilia Loreto Mariz (UERJ,
Brazil), Maria das Campos Machado (UFRRJ, Brazil), and Hannah Stewart-Gambino
(Lehigh University).
Professor Drogus teaches courses on comparative politics, Latin
American politics, and gender and politics. Her other research and
teaching interests include popular political movements, religion
and politics, human rights, and ethics.
Office Location: KJ 135
Office hours:
M W 2:15- 3:00
T 9:30-10:30
and by appt.