Frank Anechiarico (Ph.D., Indiana), Maynard-Knox Professor
of Government and Law, studies constitutional law and public administration.
He is the coauthor (with Eugene Lewis) of Urban America: Politics
and Policy (2nd ed., 1983) and the author of "Suing the Philadelphia
Police: The Case for an Institutional Approach," Law and Policy
Quarterly (1984) and "Remembering Corruption: The Elusive Lessons
of Scandal in New York City," Corruption and Reform (1990).
Contributing editor of Corruption and Racketeering... The New
York City Construction Industry, a report to the Governor from
the New York State Organized Crime Task Force. He is co-author with
Steven Lockwood of "The Responsibility of the Police Command for
Street Level Action," Law and Policy (1991) and with James
B. Jacobs of "The Continuing Saga of Municipal Reform," Urban
Affairs Quarterly (1992), and "Visions of Corruption Control,"
Public Administration Review (1994). He was a research fellow
of the Center for Research on Crime and Justice at New York University
Law School during 1991-92. Anechiarico and Jacobs' book, The
Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control Makes Government
is published by University of Chicago Press (October 1996).
He is currently writing on the Oneida Indian Land Claim.
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