Robert W. T. Martin (Ph.D., Minnesota),
Assistant Professor, teaches political theory and his interests
include American political thought, democratic theory, early modern
political thought, philosophy of social science, and constitutional
law. Professor Martin's work has appeared in History of Political Thought
and Political
Research Quarterly. Book reviews of his have appeared
in the American Political Science Review
and the Review of Politics. Most recently, he published
The Free and Open Press: The Founding of American Democratic
Press Liberty, 1640-1805 (New
York University Press, 2001).His current book project is titled,
Government by Dissent: Democracy, Dissent, and the Early American
Public Sphere, and in Spring of 2003 he was a Research Fellow
at the New-York Historical Society, researching early American
theories of the dissentient public sphere. His C.V. is available
by clicking here:
Office Location: KJ
Office hours: W 2:00-5:00
Phone: 315/859
Fax: 315/859
email: rmartin@hamilton.edu
Course Schedule:
Introduction to
Political Theory (Two sections) (Fall)
Seminar (Fall)
Seminar: The American Founding: Ideals and Reality
Theory (Spring)