Mythical Histories in China and Japan
1. Scrutinizing received constructs, proposing new terms (Sept. 3)
Constructs: linear history, History, history as Truth, history as fact, the inherently meaningful event, modernity
Terms: myth, history, discourse, construction, deconstruction, narrative position
2. America (Sept. 10)
Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager, A Pocket History of the United States, 1-23, 175-194
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest, The Unbroken Past of the American West, 17-32, 322-349
Roland Barthes, Mythologies, 109-59
3. Nation and Modernity (Sept. 17)
Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities, 1-140
Partha Chaterjee, "Whose Imagined Community?," The Nation and Its Fragments, 3-13
Thongchai Winichakul, "The Presence of Nationhood," Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation, 1-19
4. Origins (Sept. 24)
Record of Ancient Matters (Kojiki), 37-92
Derk Bodde, "Myths of Ancient China," 15-37
Wolfram Eberhard, "The World-Egg," Local Cultures of South and East China, 438-46
5. History (Oct. 1)
Stefan Tanaka, Japans Orient: Rendering Pasts into History
Gabrielle Spiegel, "Genealogy: Form and Function in Medieval Historical Narrative," 43-53
*Brief History, 408-29
6. Chinese Sovereignty (Oct. 8)
(Son of Heaven, Mandate of Heaven, Legitimate Succession)
Ssu-ma Chien (d. ca. 85 B.C.), "The Five Emperors," The Grand Scribes Records, 1-17
Wu Hung, "Ancient Sovereigns," The Wu-liang Shrine, 244-52
"Dynastic Legends," The Book of Odes (Shih ching), 239-280
Yang Wei-chen (1296-1370), "Polemics on Legitimate Succession," 51-72
Richard L. Davis, "Historiography as Politics in Yang Wei-chens Polemics on Legitimate Succession," 33-51
Pamela Kyle Crossley, "An Introduction to the Qing Foundation Myth," 13-24
*Brief History, 3-26, 79-91
7. Japanese Emperor and Nation (October 15)
(Divine Emperor)
Nihongi (Chronicles of Japan), 1-63
Kojiki, 37-92 (review from previous assignment)
Kitabatake Chikafusa (1293-1354), A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns, 49-129
Motoori Norinaga (1730-1801), The Way of the Gods, 21-41
*Brief History, 131-154, 156-172, 285-291
8. Student Presentations (Oct. 29):
1. description of topic and central problem 2. historical background to topic & problem 3. statement of interpretation, thesis, etc.
9. Histories of Truth (Nov. 5)
Hsun-tzu [Xunzi] (fl. 298-238 B.C.), "Contra Twelve Philosophers," 212-229
Ssu-ma Tan, "The Discussion of the Essentials of the Six Schools," 43-48
Chuang-tzu (ca. 399-295 B.C.), "The World," 362-377
Thomas A. Wilson, Genealogy of the Way, 112-43
Tu Fei, Annals of the Transmission of the Dharma-treasure, 255-269
John R. McRae, The Northern School and the Formation of Early Chan Buddhism, 1-6, 73-97
Hui-neng, The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, 125-134
Philip B. Yampolsky, The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, 1-88
*Heinrich Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism: A History, 85-153
*Brief History, 28-49, 102-116
10. The Confucian Tao in China (Nov. 12)
Chu Hsi (1130-1200), Reflections of Things as Hand, 279-308
Chang Hsüeh-cheng (1738-1801), "On the Tao"
Wing-tsit Chan, "Chu Hsis Completion of Neo-Confucianism," 103-138
Thomas A. Wilson, Genealogy of the Way, 72-111
*Brief History, 185-203, 251-254, 334-337, 344-347
11. The Confucian Tao in Japan (Nov. 19)
Ogyu Sorai (1666-1728), "A Discourse on the Way"
Maruyama Masao, "Orthodoxy and Legitimacy in the Kimon School," Journal of Sino-Japanese Studies, 6-49
Herman Ooms, Tokugawa Ideology: Early Constructs, 1570-1680, 3-62
Carol Gluck, Japans Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period, 3-16
* Kate Wildman Nakai, "Tokugawa Confucian Historiography: The Hayashi, Early Mito School, and Arai Hakuseki," Confucianism and Tokugawa Culture, 62-91
*Brief History, 355-364, 431-439
12. Gender (Nov. 26)
"Ren gui qing" [Woman, demon, human], a film by Huang Shuqing, 1988 (108 mins.)
Dai Jinhua and Mayfair Yang, "A Conversation with Huang Shuqing," 790-805
Dai Jinhua, "Invisible Women: Contemporary Chinese and Womens Films," 255-280
"Farewell My Concubine," a film by Chen Kaige, 1993 (157 mins.)
Gerda Lerner, The Creation of Patriarchy, 3-75, 101-122
!! 13. Final Student Presentations !! (December 3)
14. Revolution (Dec. 10)
Karl Marx, "Revolution in China and Europe," Surveys from Exile, 325-333
Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976), "The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party," 305-334
Chien Po-tsan, "Problems in the [Communist] Periodization of Chinese History," 76-84
Arif Dirlik, "Mirror to Revolution: Early Marxist Images of Chinese History," Journal of Asian Studies (33 Feb. 1974), 193-223
*Brief History, 470-496, 554-559
primary text or text that will be the main focus of discussion
required reading on reserve at Burke Library
* Background readings on reserve in library (also background reading: Brief History: Conrad Schirokauer, A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations, Second Edition)
Supplementary Readings
1. Scrutinizing received constructs
Barlow, Tani. "Colonialisms Career in Postwar China Studies," positions, 224-267
Farquhar Judith & James Hevia. "Culture and Postwar American Historiography of China," positions, 486-525
LaCapra, Dominick. Rethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts, Language. Cornell, 1983.
Young, Robert. White Mythologies: Writing History and the West. Routledge, 1990.
3. Nation and Modernity
Duara, Pradenjit. Rescuing History from the Nation
Gladney, Dru. "Representing Nationality in China: Refiguring Majority/Minority Identities." JAS 53 (Feb. 1994) 1: 92-123.
Tanaka, Stefan. "Imaging History: Inscribing Beleif in the Nation." JAS 53 (Feb. 1994) 1: 24-44.
4. Origins
Birrell, Anne. Chinese Mythology: An Introduction. Johns Hopkins U., 1993.
Bonnefoy, Yves, comp. Asian Mythologies. Chicago, 1993.
Chang, Kuang-chih. Art, Myth, and Ritual
Kalgren, Bernard. "Legends and Cults in Ancient China." Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Atiquities. 18 (1946): 199-365.
6. Chinese Sovereignty
Chan, Hok-lam. Legitimation in Imperial China: Discussions Under the Jurchen Chin Dynasty (1115-1234)
Hulsewé, A. F. P. "Notes on the Historiography of the Han Period," Historians of China and Japan, 31-59
Kahn, Harold L. Monarchy in the Emperors Eyes: Images and Reality in the Chien-lung Reign
Ssu-ma Chien. "The Basic Annals of Emperor Kao-tsu," Records of the Grand Historian of China, 77-121
____________. "The Basic Annals of Hsiang-yü," 37-74
Tung Chung-shu (ca. 179-ca. 104 B.C.). Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals, 271-288
Van der Loon, P. "The Ancient Chinese Chronicles and the Growth of Historical Ideals," Historians of China and Japan, 24-30
7. Japanese Emperor and Nation
Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725). Lessons from History (Tokushi yoron)
Chingen. Miraculous Tales of the Lotus Sutra from Ancient Japan (Kokekyokenki [ca. 1040])
Jien (1155-1225), The Future and the Past (Gukansho)
Masasada (d. 1162). Okagami (The great mirror)
Robinson, G. W. "Early Japanese Chronicles: The Six National Histories," Historians of China and Japan, 213-228
Robinson, G. W. and W. G. Beasley, "Japanese Historical Writing in the Eleventh to Fourteenth Centuries," Historians of China and Japan, 229-244
Takakuni (1004-77). Konjaku (Tales of modern and ancient times)
10.The Confucian Tao in China
Liu Shu-hsien. "The Problem of Orthodoxy in Chu Hsis Philosophy," Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism, 437-460
Nivison, David S. "History and the Tao," The Life and Thought of Chang Hsüeh-cheng
11. The Confucian Tao in Japan
Beasley, W. G. "Japanese Historical Writing in the Tokugawa Period (1603-1868)," Historians of China and Japan, 245-263
Harootunian, H. D. Toward Restoration: The Growth of Political Consciousness in Tokugawa Japan
Nosco, Peter. "Neo-Confucianism and Tokugawa Discourse," Confucianism and Tokugawa Culture, 3-26
Yamazaki Michio. "The Tradition of the Way in Japan," Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism, 584-594
12. Gender
Aoki, Michio Y. and Margaret B. Dardess, As the Japanese See It: Past and Present, 160-167
Barlow, Tani. "Theorizing Women: Funu, Guojia, Jiating [Chinese Women, Chinese State, Chinese Family]," Genders 10 (Spring 1991), 132-160
Book of Odes, "Songs of the States"
Heishu, Hosoi. "A Sermon," 400-413
Mann, Susan. "Fuxue (Womens Learing) by Zhang Xuecheng (1738-1801): Chinas First History of Womens Culture," Late Imperial China 13 (June 1992) 1: 40-62.
Rapp, Rayna. "Gender and Class: An Archaeology of Knowledge Concerning the Origin of the State," 309-316
Wolf, Margery. Revolution Postponed: Women in Contemporary China
Wu Hung. "Eminent Women," The Wu-liang Shrine, 252-72
14. Revolution
Hegel, G.W.F. Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, 11-24, 190-209
Wittfogel, Karl A. "Chinese Society: An Historical Survey," 343-364