September 21: "From Metaphor to Metastases; Breast Cancer as Science/Social Metaphor." Vivyan Adair, Women's Studies Program and Laura Malloy, Jane Watson Irwin Chair, Women's Studies.October 12: "In Favor of Bombs: Nuclear Bombs from a Kashmiri Perspective." Agha Shahid Ali, Visiting Poet, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
October 29: "Quilting as a Woman's Voice." Sharon Gormley, Dean of Faculty Office.
November 17: "Education and Gender in Turkey." Erol Balkan, Economics Department and Henry Rutz, Anthropology Department.
December 1: "Bridging the Local and the Global: Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges." Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Women's Studies Program.
<TBA>: Laura Malloy, Jane Watson Irwin Chair, Women's Studies.
February 24: "Will the 'Real' Mother Please Stand Up?" Lesbian Couples Transition to Shared Motherhood. Renate Reimann, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology.
March 31: Ann Castle,
April 21: "Masculinity and the Medieval Clergy: Reform, Gender Ambiguity, and the Rise of Misogyny in Wester Europe." Maureen Miller, Associate Professor of History.
April 12: "Toward a Pedagogy at the Edge of Alterity or Otherness." Steve Goldberg, Associate Professor of Art.
February 10: "How to Teach Class Issues." Vivyan Adair, Women's Studies Program.