Brown Bag Lunch Series2003 - 2004 |
2003-2004 Kirkland Project Brown Bag talks
Fall 2003:
Friday, September 10th
Monk Rowe, Joe Williams Director, Jazz Archive
"One on One with the Masters of Jazz"
Thursday, October 2nd
Katie Sarris '04
"The Characteristics, Obstacles and Success of Entrepreneurs"
Friday, November 21st
Doran Larson, Associate Professor, English
"Industrial Porn; Or, The Politics of Mass Pro(se)duction in the Work of Busby Berkeley"Tuesday, December 9
Judith Owens-Manley, Associate Director for Community Research, Levitt Public Affairs Center
"New communities, new cultures: How are Bosnians faring 5-10 years after arrival?"
Wednesday, February 11
Brian Rosmaita, assistant professor of computer science
"A Citizen's Guide to Electronic Voting"
Monday, February 23
Henry Rutz, professor of Anthropology
"Reflections on the World Social Forum: Globalization and its Discontents"Wednesday, March 10
Beth LeGere, Director of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson, Inc.
"Debunking the Myths on Late Term Abortions"Wednesday, March 31
Verena Blechinger-Talcott, assistant professor of government
"Can you hear me now?" Internet and Democracy in East Asia and Western Europe
Friday, April 30
Kirkland Project Service Associates, summer 2003