Thursday, September 11: Second annual "Smash" opening event, featuring jazz artists Jacque Tara Washington, Vikki True, and Peter Schneider. 4:30 pm, Filius Events Barn.Saturday, September 20: "Building Diversity and Community: Facing the Educational Challenge." Kirkland Project round table with Dick Couper, Barbara Gold, Tim Kelly, Amie MacDonald, Vincent Odamtten, Nancy Rabinowitz, Susan Sanchez-Casal, and Patricia Smalley. 2:00 pm, Filius Events Barn.
Monday, September 22: "Victorian Cleaopatra: Amelia Edwards and the Occupation of Egypt, 1882-1885." Patricia O'Neill, English Department. Brown Bag Luncheon Discussion. Noon, ELS.
Thursday, October 16: "Hazel Dickens, Alice Gerrard, and the New Coon Creek Girls: Pioneering Women of Bluegrass." Lydia Hamessley, Music Department. Brown Bag Luncheon Discussion. Noon, Shambach 108.
Friday, October 24: Ama Ata Aidoo, poet and novelist. Time and location TBA.
Sunday, October 26: Film, "The Watermelon Woman." KJ Auditorium. Time TBA.
Monday, October 27: Discussion with Cheryl Dunye, Director, "The Watermelon Woman." Time and location TBA.
Wednesday, November 5: "Shaping the World With Our Hands." Solo Performane by Laila Farah Mohtar exploring the lives of contemporary Lebanese and Palestinian women. 8:00 pm, Filius Events Barn.
Tuesday, November 18: "Pedagogy and the Introduction of Multicultural Issues into American Art." Deborah Pokinski, Art Department. Brown Bag Luncheon Discussion. Noon, ELS.
February 7-8: Soul Sisters
February 19: "Welfare and Poverty: Where Do We Go From Here?"
February 24: "Cultivating Humanity: Are There Pedagogical Implications for Hamilton in Martha Nussbaum's Approach to Multicultural Education?"
February 24: Color Company
March 3: "Welfare Reform"
March 12: "Neither 'Ladies' nor 'Gents' but 'Colored' "
April 1: "American Buddhist Scanals"
April 3: "Navigating the American Imaginary"
April 17: "What Goes Around"
April 21: Of Prostitutes and Poor Women"
Saturday, April 25: "Put it in Writing: A Women's Energy Week Colloquium of Kirkland College Alumnae Who Write for Money or Love." 3pm, Events Barn (Picture)
The mission of the Kirkland Project for the Study of Gender, Society and Culture is to explore questions and issues that emerge at the intersections of gender, race, class and sexuality. Through its programs, the Project provides opportunities for dynamic intellectual discussion, interaction and exchange at Hamilton College.