Kirkland Project Apple

Conference: Masculinities: Global and Local

In 2002 - 2003, the Kirkland Project's theme was been masculinity. In the interest of deepening Hamilton's engagement with the theme of masculinity, we sponsored a one and one half day conference on March 8 through March 9 to consider masculinity both out in the wor ld and here in the college. The conference included a mix of presentations and panels on war, tomboys, sexual assault, fraternities, atheletics, and sexuality. Our goal was to inform and intrigue.

Saturday, March 8, 2003:

9:30-10:00 Registration and Coffee by Cafe Opus

10:00-11:00 Individual Presentations

11:15-12:00 I. Sociology of Gender: Class Presentations
II. Judy Owen-Manley's Student Presentation on Domestic Violence

1:00-2:00: War and Masculinity Panel

audience image

2:15-3:15: Fraternities Panel

panel image

3:30-4:15: Sexual Assault Panel

4:30-5:30: Jocks, Cheerleaders, Tomboys, and Sissies: Athletics Panel

5:30: Reception in Cafe Opus

Sunday, March 9, 2003:

1:00-2:30: "Are Martial Arts Macho?" an interactive workshop

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