Kirkland Project Apple

Ping Chong

Cast for the February '99 Hamilton College Production of "Undesirable Elements."

 Cast Photo for "Undesirable Elements"


The production of "Undesirable Elements" at Hamilton on February 13, 1999 was the first to feature students exclusively and to be undertaken at a college campus. There was a second performance at Clinton Central School on April 30, 1999.

"Undesirable Elements" is the name of an on-going series of community-developed performance worked by Ping Chong exploring the metaphysics of culture, immigration and history and their effects on the lives of individuals within that community.

  Cast members individual photos:
Shammi Dowla
Jazmin Gatto
Zizhu Ma
Amanda Malcom
Daniel Mason
Judith Julien
Elena Wood
Keithley Woolward