Scott D. Becker: Framing Climate Change Messages with Positive and Negative Liberty
Devon Brown: Reducing Negative Behaviors in an Elementary Student: A Case Study
Becca Butler: Effect of Linguistically Cued Perspective-Taking on Empathy
Hazel Chan: Reducing Binge Drinking using Fear and Gain vs. Loss Framing Messages on Facebook
Jeremy Cottle: In- vs. Out-group Charitable Giving as a Function of Political Orientation
Finley Cruger: Effects of Role Play on Children’s Prosocial Behavior
Sarah Dimakis: Collaborative Inhibition in Autobiographical Memory
Emma H. Feitelson: Designing Recruitment Messages to Boost Volunteering in Hamilton Students
Peter Goldsmith: The Effects of Race of Speaker and Argument Quality on Persuasion
Hayley Goodrich: Overcome with Awe: Meaning-maintenance in the Face of a Profound Aesthetic Experience
Bennett Hambrook: Leadership Development in College Athletics: A Proposed Study
Charlotte Healey: Interventions for Selective Mutism in an Elementary Student: A Case Study
Benjamin Isenberg: Comorbid ADHD and Mood Dysregulation: Creating and Evaluating a School-Based Intervention
Congcong (Cindy) Li: Emotions and False Memory: Moving Beyond Valence and Arousal
Nathalia Mahabir: Belongingness and Emotional Intelligence: An Examination of Reciprocal Relationships
Kelly Manhart: Early Predictors of Long-Term Relationship Success
Cole Mattran: Helping Students with ADHD Using Working Memory Training
Araseli Mendez: Source Monitoring as a Counter for the Misinformation Effect
Emily Morris: The Effect of Social Influence on Preschoolers’ Self-Control
Brendon W. Nylen: Gender Differences in the Relationship between Serotonin and Alcohol-Related Aggression
Hannah O’Grady: Does Ego Threat Moderate the Relationship Between Defensive Self-Esteem and Risk-Taking?
Helen Park: Comparing Brief Mindfulness Meditation and Relaxation on Attention and Anxiety
KaraLin Pintye-Everett: Look Again: Examining Responses to Facial Attractiveness Via Repetition and Social Influence
Leah Pranschke: The Effects of Primed Social Class Stigma on Self-Regulation, Self-Esteem, and Sense of Belonging
Elizabeth Prescott: Broad Autism Phenotype and Related Factors in College Students
Kaitlan Puglia: How Do People with Defensive Self-esteem Interpret Neutral Cues Following Ego Threat?
Emily Randrup: Implicit Learning in Children: An Investigation of Statistically Optimal Learning Through a Spatial Localization Task
Alex Regan: College Athletes’ Susceptibility to Eating Disorders: A Review of the Literature
Meg E. Riley: Feminist Backlash as a Function of Moral and Status Quo Threats
Lillie Simourian: College Students’ Perceptions of Classmates Who Treat ADHD with Stimulant Medication
Barbara Singhakiat: To Conform or Dissent: The Effect of Threatening Self-Concept Clarity
Corinne Smith: College Students' Narratives of Sex and Sexuality
Elizabeth P. Starr: Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Distancing and Trauma
Djinnie Timoleon: The Relationship between Stress Reactivity and 5-HTTLPR: The Moderating Roles of Self-Esteem and Need to Belong
Abigail H. Toribio: How Anticipating Moral Reproach Affects College Students’ Willingness to Self-Disclose
Becka L. Vacarelo: Does Instagram Harm Women’s Health? Dieting and Modern Media Exposure
Annali Vernon: Hiring Bias: Mechanisms and Tips for Prevention