Projects in Clinical Psychology Supervised by Tara McKee

Prof. McKee will supervise one-semester clinical psychology senior projects in either the fall or spring semester. The following will be options in Prof. McKee’s lab, depending on students’ interest and preparation:

(1) Data collection for new or ongoing studies with college students/alumni in the area of ADHD (see below)
(2) Analysis of an existing dataset on college students/alumni in the area of ADHD (see below)
(3) A literature review and research proposal in an area of clinical psychology

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in College Students and Recent Alumni
As more children diagnosed with ADHD grow into young adults, research has expanded on how having this disorder is related to functioning at this age. This research is lacking in terms of understanding whether or not college students are good reporters of their own symptoms as compared to their parents and/or close friends. In addition, very little is known about whether or not ADHD symptoms are stable while students are in college and whether or not change over time in symptoms is related to academic or socioemotional outcomes. We also don’t know the extent to which imposter syndrome predicts outcomes in this population, particularly at a selective college. There is a dearth of research on the transition out of college and into the workforce for individuals with ADHD. Are there particular experiences in college (e.g., high-impact practices or career-center services) that predict a more positive post-college transition for those with high ADHD symptoms? These are some of the questions that Prof. McKee is focusing on in her lab, both in on-going studies and with several existing data sets that have yet to be fully explored.