2017 B.A. Thesis Exhibition
Wellin Museum of Art

May 4 - May 20, 2017
Thursday, May 4, 4 - 6 p.m.

Wellin Museum (Map)


Class of 2017 Senior Art Thesis

Carol Chao

Contact Information:
Carol Chao

I, 2017
I, 2017
Wish, 2017
Wish, 2017
He She They, 2017
He She They, 2017
Wasn't Weren't, 2017
Wasn't Weren't, 2017
Either, 2017
Either, 2017
Click image to view slideshow


I Wish I Were White

I have created this work in order to draw attention to the unrealistic beauty standards that are imposed on all women –such as a need to remove as much body hair as possible– as well as ones that are often imposed on people of color (but especially women), commonly known as “white beauty standards”.

Hair grows on our bodies whether we like it or not, and serves perfectly natural functions such as helping to spread pheromones and making the skin more sensitive. Therefore, condemning those women who refuse to remove it as “dirty” or “ugly” is completely ridiculous.

Just as ridiculous is the insistence that African American, Hispanic, Asian, and other people of color do everything they can to look as Caucasian as possible, because “white” is apparently the epitome of perfection. With the standard of straight hair, fair skin, large eyes, sharp noses, and generally light, delicate features –who wouldn’t want to do everything they can, from skin-lightening cream to double-eyelid surgery, to look like that? Even if it is a completely impossible goal?

In the end, I hope that the world will one day be able to move past such ways of seeing. I for one, would like my children to be able to love themselves for who they are, despite any “ethnic” features I and/or my spouse may pass down to them.