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Student and Faculty Work:

Digital Arts

The introduction of digital media into creative fields has changed the very nature of their study and production. Musicians, scientists, creative writers, film makers, and visual and performing artists have developed multiple fluencies with digital media. This, in turn, has challenged the long-standing tradition of individual genius specializing in individual media and has made collaborative and cross-disciplinary work practically inevitable. The program in digital arts provides a formal framework for the exploration of these creative possibilities.




The Digital Arts studios provide facilities and a gathering place for students and faculty who are eager to explore the artistic potential of digital technology and who seek artistically creative ventures. These studios provide a central location where collaborations involving students and faculty can thrive and where these artists can find the resources to match our most compelling curricular ambitions in the arts and beyond.


The Home Planet (in HD) from Samuel Pellman on Vimeo, with video by Lauren Koss '00.

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