Lives of Confucius, co-authored with Michael Nylan, Random House (forthcoming)
Confucian Gods and the Rites that Venerated them in Late Imperial China, book manuscript in preparation

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"Temple of Confucius," "Sacrifice to Confucius," etc. (38 entries, approximately 12,500 words) Encyclopaedia of Confucianism (Routledge/Curzon Press, 2003)
"¤@ ÂÓ ³Q ©¿ ²¤ ¾Ç ªÌ ©Ò ¯d ¤U ¤§ ¤£ Â¥i ¿i ·À ¦L °O: º~ ¾Ç ¸à ÄÀ ¾Ç ¤§ « ¾ã" [The indelible mark of an overlooked scholar: toward a Restructuring of sinological hermeneutics], Taiwan Radical Monthly »O ÆW ªÀ ·| ‹ ¨s, Taipei, 1998
"The Ritual Formation of Confucian Orthodoxy and the Descendants of the Sage," The Journal of Asian Studies 55 (Aug. 1996) 3: 559-584 (available on JSTOR and to off-campus Hamilton users)

Genealogy of the Way, 1995
"History of Ming Confucianism," in Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy (Garland Press, 1998)
"Messenger of the Ancient Sages: Song-Ming Confucian Hermeneutics of the Canonical and the Heretical," published in The Hermeneutic Traditions in Chinese Culture, Transactions Publishers, 1999
Genealogy of the Way: The Construction and Uses of the Confucian Tradition in Late Imperial China (Stanford University Press, 1995)
"Confucian Sectarianism and the Compilation of the Ming History," Late Imperial China 15 (Dec. 1994) 2: 53-84
"Genealogy and History in Neo-Confucian Sectarian Uses of the Confucian Past," Modern China 20 (Jan. 1994) 1: 3-33 (Available on JSTOR and to off-campus Hamilton users)
"§º©ú²M¾§¾Ç¬£§Oª§½×»P©ú¥vªº½sÄ¡" [Confucian Sectarianism and the Compilation of the Ming History] Journal of Hangzhou University 24 (March 1994) 1: 66-72