Spring 2005
Instructors: |
Debra Boutin, dboutin_at_hamilton.edu, x4267, CJ 122 |
Seth Major, smajor_at_hamilton.edu, x4919, Sci G052 |
Seminars: |
MWF 1:00-2:15 PM |
The final project talks will be Wednesday evening! 6 PM in Benedict 201
Course Info:
Assignments (pdf):
Due Feb 21: Explain the connection, or lack thereof, between sidedness and orientability of surfaces within a non-orientable 3-manifold. Write 1-2 pages giving specifics and examples.
- A baby picture of a young galaxy
and a portrait of a mature spiral galaxy. Both are
Hubble Space Telescope images.
- A large collection of notes
on the CMB and cosmology, with some useful pictures, may be found on the
page by Tony Smith.
- To parallel transport a vector on a sphere have a look at this
demo by John Sullivan at the University of Illinois.
- At the end of the course you will complete a project. We have collected
a few ideas. Enjoy!
- Here's a cool demo
on the expanding flatland universe - shows there's no center.
- To construct a bit of hyperbolic space - triangles! (Fig 10.2)
- Here is the 'colourable' view of cubes (Fig. 7.9)
© S. Major 1993-2005 Last modified 22 September 2005