

name project titles

Behm, Lily

Learning in color: Training to induce synesthesia

Blomfield, Alexandra

Mapping the spatio-temporal expression of the neuronal transcription factor Orthodenticle in the Drosophila embryo and eye 

Cerreta, Sophia

Effects of inbreeding paired with heat stress on cognitive performance in Drosophila melanogaster

Dave, Monica

Is there an "I" in fake news?

Dave, Monica

Examining the effects of inbreeding on cognition in Drosophila melanogaster

Fjermedal, Caroline

Increasing emotional reciprocity in youth with Autism through WERQ Dance Fitness

Hacker, Jon

Coding the crowd: Group face perception

Keene, Lola

Tonal language learning: Using incidental learning strategies to improve perception

Kilburn, Lantz

Investigating the impacts of exercise on stress and brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Lutz, Mark

Role of the dH-mPFC pathway in the extinction of drug related contextual cues
McMorrow, Katherine Language and movement: Examining the effect of gestures on language expression

Meade, Gavin

Running from your roommate’s depression: An animal model of emotional contagion
Morse, Christie Individuals with neurocognitive disorders in residential care: Can a fidget board help?

Pawlik, Meghan

Modulating severity of traumatic brain injury in a Drosophila melanogaster model 

Persaud, Serena

Chemogenetic inactivation of the dH-mPFC pathway on cocaine-context memory extinction
Plomp, Jane

Musical scales: Why is asymmetry universal?

Rodriguez, Loren

So you think you can tell? Gut feelings in deception detection

Royer, Isabel My laugh track can't make up for your bad joke

Searcy, Kendall

Association between perceived helicopter parenting and adolescent risk behavior

Taylor-Yeremeeva, Elisa

No POR? Poor learning: Effects of chemogenetic silencing of the postrhinal cortex on higher order learning

Tirabassi, Anthony

The stressed brain: Investigating the impact of repeated stress on cellular events in the rat Brain

Wisser, Stephen "If I only had an active brain, Dorothy!" - Effects of chemogenetic silencing on the rat postrhinal cortex on higher order learning

Contact Information

Siobhan Robinson

Program Director
Psychology Department
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
315- 859-4165 sxrobins@hamilton.edu
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