Gallery of Monsters
Monstrous Through Movement by Christina Brewer "The female monster."

Two of a Kind by Fong-wai (Maggie) Chan "A short story about cloning and its consequences."



As Powers Match Wits by Timothy Eddy "The relationship between the United States and terrorism is portrayed in a poker match."
rorroH ehT/ The Horror by Heather Einhorn "The idea of Horror as represented through the chaotic nature of Dadaism."
Flaming Ride of Terror by Eileen Fisher "Rollar Coasters have many monstrous qualities."
Monster by J.P. Maloney "A Cowboy Story."
Moloch by Jessica Mariglio "This poem is a response to Allen Ginsberg's 'Howl' and the new monster that is taking our younger generation--apathy"
The Monster of Sleep by Pat McGarry "Why do we sleep? Where are our minds when we sleep? And who are we when we are asleep? When asleep your subconscious takes control as you are in a marginal zone dreaming.."
Happiness is a Warm Monster by Ryan McGuirk "A song that through samples and inspiration is 'monstrous by association.'"

A Poem on Death by Allison McNamara "This is a poem about the ultimate monster, death, and the poem's analysis."

Family Man: The Power of the Uncanny by Ty Moore "The development of the Uncanny in a monster is crucial to the effectiveness of the monster."
Monster Shake Down by Tsakani Ngobeni "Dance will be with us forever."
Alcohol: A Monster in Society by Timothy Niesen "Alcohol has all the qualities of a monster and should be seen as one."
Alcoholism by Chris Pike "Many people have a good time drinking alcohol; however, many people have a hard time avoiding alcohol."
Cocaine by Allie Pohl "My project displays cocaine and one of the ways it is taken."
Hate by Eric Rodriguez "Expresses different forms of as well as feelings of hate."