Student Associates Programs:
The Kirkland Project has three kinds of student associateships.
Research Associates engage in research related to our mission. Students may receive up to $500 for expenses associated with their research. Associates meet regularly for a colloquium, to share and discuss their work. The semester's work culminates in a public presentation of the submitted project.
Teaching Associates assist in teaching College 130; they attend class, help students with their work, facilitate conversations in the dormitories.
Service Associates pursue unpaid summer internships doing socially useful work (e.g. with Planned Parenthood, Save the Children) with financial support from the Kirkland Project. They receive a stipend of $3000, ordinarily paid as payroll over 10 weeks in June, July and August.
Other Opportunities for Students:Bija Vidyapeeth, International College for Sustainable Living, Doon Valley, Dehradun, India: Opportunities for Student Internships. This is affiliated with Vandana Shiva's organization, Research Foundation of Science, Technology, and Ecology (link to that web site).
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