Concert Attendance Requirement

All students taking lessons must attend the Student Soloists Concert (details below).

In addition to the Student Soloists Concert:

  • students taking one-hour lessons must attend four more concerts per semester,
  • students taking half-hour lessons must attend two more concerts per semester.

The approved concerts are listed below. Check back since concerts may be added during the semester. Students may not count any concert in which they perform toward this requirement.


A student who doesn't attend any concerts will automatically fail the course.

Attending fewer concerts than required will result in the following grade deductions for Solo Performance students:

  • Missing the Student Soloists Concert will reduce the final grade by one full letter (e.g., from B+ to C+), unless they make up for missing this concert as described below.
  • Missing other concerts will reduce the final grade by 1/3 of a full letter (e.g., from B+ to B). For example, a student who is taking one-hour lessons and has a B+, but attends the Student Soloists Concert and only two (instead of four) additional concerts would receive a B-.

Faculty members will grade Applied Music students the same way they grade those in Solo Performance. If, after factoring in the per-concert-missed grade reduction, the grade is less than C-, then the student will receive an automatic U.


Although all students are required to attend the Student Soloists Concert, occasionally other commitments will necessitate flexibility. A student who must miss the Student Concert may attend two additional concerts from the list below to avoid a reduction in the grade. For example, a student taking half-hour lessons would need to attend four (instead of two) concerts.


Concert attendance will be taken by scanning ID cards at the Wellin Hall Box Office before the concert.


(All concerts take place in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center unless noted below.)


Student Soloists Concert (Required)

Students will be sent an email with the approved concert list. Please check periodically for any changes that might take place during the semester.

  • Students performing in a concert will not receive credit, except for the Student Concert.
  • Students may also be required to attend other master classes or performances at the discretion of the studio teacher.
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