2024 FAQs


When am I expected to be on campus?

We hope that all participants can arrive to campus on Sunday, June 23rd before dinnertime. We will have a group dinner planned for 6pm that evening.

Students are expected to depart on Saturday, July 6. We will provide transportation to Syracuse airport and the Utica train station on that day.

Faculty are expected to present their work at the post-program pedagogy conference on July 8 and to depart on Tuesday, July 9. We expect to provide transportation to the airport or train station on July 9, too. We hope that tutors will also stay for the pedagogy conference.  

How will I get to campus?

If you are not driving yourself (i.e. if you are taking a bus, train or flight) we would like to work with you to schedule transportation to campus. For questions about travel arrangements, please contact us at hcspip@hamilton.edu (and CC Megan Espalin at mespalin@hamilton.edu). 

Where will I live on campus? What will the rooms be like?

Students and tutors will live in Ferguson House on campus. They will be housed in single-style dorm rooms and will share a bathroom with one other participant. 

Instructors and our Pedagogy Resident will live in Morris House, also on campus. They will be housed in private, apartment-style dorm rooms (with an en suite bathroom). 

What will be expected of me before I arrive on campus?


In addition to completing the Pre-Program Participant Survey, students are expected to complete the readings assigned to them for each of the three courses. Readings and materials have been distributed via email with a link to the Google Drive.

What do I need to bring with me?

The Village of Clinton, NY gets hot in the summer but Hamilton's classrooms get quite cold. With this in mind, please bring summer-appropriate clothes and a sweatshirt or two. We are also planning a group hike of moderate difficulty (and will have the option for a swim) so please bring clothes for that. Note: no need to bring hiking boots, Hamilton College's outdoors club can provide you with a pair. 

We will provide you all with a linen set, although fairly basic stock – nothing fancy. Students/Staff that can bring more comfortable pillows, blankets, etc from home may want to do so. FYI: the beds will be dorm-style, Twin XL. 

How do I access wifi while on campus?

Guest wifi access instructions may be found here.

What is the HCSPiP's health insurance policy?

Though the HCSPiP cannot provide health coverage or insurance for your time here, there is good medical care nearby. In case of any health problem while you're here, we'd like to be able to facilitate proper attention. Paying for care is the responsibility of participants.

What is the photo/Instagram policy?

We will be taking pictures and posting them on the website and Instagram. Other than on our Student Participant page, pictures won’t be connected to names. For more on the Hamilton College policy on image use click here.

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