* State of Art Facilities

In 2004, the Biology Department moved into Hamilton’s new, state-of-the-art Science Center. Our laboratories contain essential equipment for education and research in contemporary biology, including both transmission and scanning electron microscopes, imaging workstations, a radioisotope laboratory, scintillation and gamma counters, two environmental chambers, an indoor stream, a magnificent new greenhouse, and a bioinformatics computing facility. Hamilton is also well situated to take advantage of a variety of habitats for field studies. Development and Planning of the Science Center
* State of Art Equipment

Genomics equipment includes items for DNA/RNA purification, DNA/RNA quantification (GE Nanovue), PCR (Applied Biosystems 2400, 9700, Veriti & BioRad MyCycler), quantitative real-time PCR (Applied Biosystems 7300), molecular cloning, agarose gel and southern/northern/western blot detection (BioRad ChemiDoc XRS system), and DNA sequencing (LiCor 4300). Moreover, we have recently obtained Luminometer with Dual Injectors (2020n) from Turner BioSystems.We thank Turner BioSystems for their generosity.
Proteomics equipment includes an HPLC with electrochemical, RAM and UV/Vis detection (Shimadzu), Capillary Electrophoresis (HP), microplate spectrophotometers (Bio Rad 680XR & BioTec EL311), gel electrophoresis equipment (Hoefer PS250, Invitrogen XCell), vibrating microtome (Vibratome), cryostat, and fluorescent up-right and inverted microscopes (Olympus IX70, Nikon E600). We also possess a fully equipped tissue culture facility.
In addition, we have a wide range of equipment for anatomical, physiological, and ecological studies that are complemented by a fully equipped chemical stock room and plant and animal care facilities.
* Biology Computing Facility
Location in Science Center Room 2080
In addition to providing a dedicated teaching facility within the department, the Biology Computing Facility (BCF) provides open access to students, faculty and staff. The twelve Intel-processor equipped iMac Pro workstations and twelve MacBook Pro laptops are configured with general productivity tools for word processing, spreadsheet production, and presentation creation, along with some biology software. Our computing facility also includes a NSF-funded server, the Hamilton Bioinformatics Portal, which provides a web-based interface for faculty, staffs and students to access numerous bioinformatics software. BCF is open 24-7.
* Hamilton Bioinformatics Portal

* Overview - Located in room 2080 of the Science Center, the Biology Computing Facility offers twelve state-of-the-art iMac Pro workstations and twelve MacBook Pro laptops configured with all the most popular applications for molecular modeling, sequence comparison, and analyzing gene expression. >> More
* Access and Usage - Students and Faculty may use the Hamilton Bioinformatics Portal for research and projects.