Summer Research
* Biological Science education at Hamilton extends far beyond the classroom to laboratories and field stations as far as Antarctica. The Biology Department offers opportunities throughout a student's undergraduate career to develop working research relationships with faculty members in the department.
Summer Research

Several stipends are available on a competitive basis to Hamilton students with the goal of promoting research participation under the guidance of Hamilton faculty. The competition is open to all students; students without previous research experience are especially encouraged to apply. In general, these stipends are $3,500 for 10 weeks beginning in late May or early June. Housing is available at the College at reasonable cost. Students interested in applying for stipends should discuss available opportunities with potential faculty sponsors and decide upon a single project and advisor. More information on how to apply for summer research grants can be found on the Hamilton Website.
ATTENTION: Students Interested in Summer Research
* Summer Research Grant Application Information
* Summer Research Application Form (download)
Previous Summer Research Projects
Summer Research 2004 - Research from the summer of 2004.
Summer Research 2003 - Research from the summer of 2003.
Summer Research 2001 - Research from the summer of 2001.
Summer Research 1999 - Research from the summer of 1999.