Thesis Research
* Senior Thesis Research 1998 - 1999
Biology Concentrators
Edmund Beacham Advisor: Garrett |
Geoffrey Bisset Advisor: Gapp |
Dereck Brand Uptake of leucine by Bap2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: An introduction Advisor: Morgan |
Christina Calarco Effects of phytochemicals from four species of Asters (Asteraceae) on the feeding of Phyciodes tharos (Nymphalidae) larvae Advisor: Miller |
Melissa Capalbo Advisor: Pfitsch |
Victoria Capota Advisor: Miller |
Jocelyn Cipolaro Advisor: Gapp |
Sarah Cook Phosphorus-use efficiency and growth of invasive Lythrum salicaria and native Typha latifolia Advisor: Williams |
Paul Damaske What patterns of cell proliferation exist in the early chick embryo mesoderm and what might they suggest about concurrent morphogenesis? Advisor: Pfitsch |
Jeff Evans Analysis of crypsis in moths Advisor: Pfitsch |
John Fantauzzi Where did they go? Factors that influence the movement of Pearl Crescent Butterfly (P. tharos) larvae on various species of Aster Advisor: Morgan |
Allison Fox Advisor: Williams |
Sarah Hastings A three-year survey of imposex in Nucella lapillus and Littorina littorea at Stonington and Bluff Points, CT Advisor: Miller |
Maria Hillis The impact of allelochemicals in Aster plants on land snail herbivory Advisor: Reynolds |
Ian Hughes Root acid phosphatase activity in Zea mays and Zea mays var. rugosa under various phosphorus concentrations Advisor: Garrett |
Sheri Jakubowski Creation of mutants in the carboxy terminal of the TAT2 gene and their effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae Advisor: Gapp |
Sarah Johnstone The regulation of intestinal smooth muscle by peptides, neurotransmitters and hormones in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta Advisor: Pfitsch |
Jen Lentek The Goldenrod gall fly (Eurosta solidaginis), an archetype for examination of ectothermic survival through cold winter weather Advisor: Williams |
Shannon Leonard Sex in Manduca sexta I: Nightlife of the moth Advisor: Morgan |
Kerry Maxwell Hormone regulation of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) digestive metabolism Advisor: Reynolds |
Matt McKenna Sex in Manduca sexta III: Just say NO Advisor: Lehman |
Jennifer Moran The regulation of intestinal smooth muscle by peptides, neurotransmitters and hormones in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta Advisor: Williams |
Anthony Murphy Advisor: Garrett |
Scott Olejniczak Proliferation patterns in 8.5-day murine splanchnopleure mesoderm and their morphological implications Advisor: Lehman |
Geoffrey Sanford Advisor: Miller |
Jason Saul The role of protein tyrosine kinase in endotoxin induced inhibition of vascular reactivity Advisor: Lehman |
Jason Smith Advisor: Miller |
Tod Thiele Limulus: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Advisor: Gapp |
Molly Timmers Grazing herbivore selectivity on three habitat- differentiated species of Aster: Aster novae-angliae, A. prenanthoides, and A. divericatus Advisor: Reynolds |
Melissa Vetter Phylogenetic analysis of the Class Scaphopoda using molecular techniques Advisor: Miller |
Chris Vogth-Eriksen Sex in Manduca sexta II: How to turn a bug on Advisor: Reynolds |
Allison Warner Hormone regulation of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) digestive metabolism Advisor: Garrett |
Justin Widner Giants and their parasites: A study of parsite induced gigantism Advisor: Morgan |
Tara Woolford A survey of the macroinvertebrate infauna of Andvord Bay, Antarctica Advisor: Pfitsch |
Biochemistry Concentrators
Claire Gallagher Advisor: Morgan |
Matthew Hadjuk Advisor: Morgan |
Christopher Hamblett Advisor: Morgan |
Chris Holm An investigation of the pathways regulating pseudohyphal growth in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Advisor: Morgan |
Andrew The Sex in Manduca sexta IV: Unzipping the genes Advisor: Morgan |