Thesis Research
* Senior Thesis Research 2003 - 2004
Biology Concentrators
Carolyn Biggar Pancreatic Islet Organization in Vertebrates with a focus on beta, alpha, delta and PP cells. Advisor: Gapp |
Christine Campbell The role of apoptosis in the remodeling of the thyroid rudiment Advisor: Garrett |
Michael Galante Biodiversity of Class Scaphopoda: A test of ecological hypotheses Advisor: Reynolds |
Charlotte Hodde The Rome Sand Plains: A study in ecological conservation and species introduction Advisor: Pfitsch |
Krista Marran A case study of Rome and Albany Lupinus perennis: Evidence of phenotypic plasticity and enhancement of plant performance through lupine-rhizobial interactions? Advisor: Pfitsch |
Sarah McNeil The role of Rhizobium in the expansion of Lupine in the Rome Sand Plains, New York Advisor: Gapp |
Carlos Mercedes The effects on nitric acid on tyramine b-hydroxylase activity in Manduca sexta Advisor: Lehman |
Elizabeth Ransom An investigation of the possible role of apoptosis in early thyroid morphogenesis in chick embryos Advisor: Williams |
Flor Salazar Alteration of gastrin levels in the thyroxine-induced metamorphosing tadpole quantified via radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. Advisor: Garrett |
Alexa Siddon Alpha-fetoprotein and the regulation of human endodthelin-1 and VEGF reduction in breast cancer cell lines MCF-7, T47D, and MDA-MB-231 Advisor: Miller |