Africana Studies and DHI
The Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi), now in its fifth year at Hamilton College, is widely acknowledged as having put Hamilton in the forefront of DH among its northeastern liberal arts college cohort. DHi is empowering a network of humanities-based scholars and students both here and outside the Hamilton campus, having been awarded $1.75 million dollars from the Mellon Foundation, alongside substantial support from the College’s own DOF and LITS.
DHi at Hamilton fosters innovative thinking combined with scholarly experience and a predilection for the interdisciplinary. Digital humanities and digital scholarship require both approach (research methods), and dissemination (contextualization/publication) and present valuable opportunities to involve undergraduates in the research process. DHi is exploring myriad avenues in the digital realm in areas of knowledge access, use, and development while its innovative research and scholarship promote powerful and flexible tools to connect and manipulate information and present it in the form of generative knowledge. DHi’s mission includes developing models that meet digital research and teaching needs, while promoting their goals of access and preservation.
Angel David Nieves will discuss his research in spatial humanities within the broader DH field, and his experience to date in developing international research collaborations. Janet Simons will discuss DHi’s emphasis on the process pieces of their unique efforts here at Hamilton.
Friday, February 28, 2014