Events 2008
St. Lawrence Critical Literacies Discussion
November 12, 2008
St. Lawrence University
Dave Baird (Colgate) and Janet Simons (Hamilton) join Cathy Tedford and the members of St. Lawrence's Critical Literacies Group in a discussion of the Media Scholarship Collaboration project activities and goals. Questions about teaching media literacy and criteria for media scholarship will be discussed in the context of examples of assignment models and project outcomes from each of our campuses. Media Scholarship Collaborators at Hamilton College and Colgate University participate in this live videoconference. (Full Story)
The Net Generation as Harbingers of Change: Implications for Higher Education
October 8th, 4:15 pm
Hamilton College, Clinton New York
Science Center-Kennedy Auditorium (G027) Campus Map
The Net Generation seems inseparable from technology, text messaging, Googling, IMing, and playing games while listening to iPods. Although technology may be what we notice first, there are much deeper changes underneath, such as the emergence of a participatory culture, where amateurs can be experts, and material is repurposed, remixed, rated and shared instantly, worldwide. Information technology has catalyzed the creation of new forms of communication, self-expression, collaboration, learning and scholarship--all reshaping the educational landscape. This session goes behind the technology to the deeper changes that challenge our colleges and universities.
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Digital Storytelling Center Workshop
Joe Lambert & Stefani Sese
August 13-15 at Colgate
Supported by an award of the NITLE Instructional Innovation Fund to the Moving Images Collaborative
The goal of the 3-day Basic Workshop <> is to design and produce a 3-5 minute digital story. Students craft and record first-person narratives, collect still images and music with which to illustrate their pieces, and are guided through computer tutorials which enable them, with teacher support, to edit their own stories. Examples of stories produced in the this workshop can be found here <>.
Examples of projects from this event:
Barbara Regenspan, Associate Professor of Educational Studies
Suzanne Spring, Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric
2008 Robert Flaherty Film Seminar
"The Age of Migration"
June 21-27, 2008
Colgate University, Hamilton NY
From the urban landscapes of Asia, to the conflict zones of the Middle East, to the multi-cultural societies of Europe, the United States and beyond, unprecedented migrations of exiles, soldiers, laborers, and adoptees intersect with the legacies of war, global capital, and terror. Through film and video screenings and in-depth discussions, The Age of Migration, the 54th Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, will probe how hybrid documentaries, video blogs, and speculative histories have become connective tissues which collapse physical distances and accentuate emotional connections. Join us as we map these modern migration patterns and explore the relationship between conflict, movement and transmission.
2008 PROGRAMMER: Chi-hui Yang
Media Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, supported by an award of the NITLE Instructional Innovation Fund to the Moving Images Collaborative, sent students from Colgate University (Jina Chung, Allison Ewing), Hamilton College (Miranda Riamondi, and Moises Toledano), and St. Lawrence University (Oliver O'Sullivan) to the 54th Robert Flaherty Film Seminar. The students were required to attend for the entire week and to create a report of their experience. Their reports could take the form of essay, video, journal entries, drawings, or any combination.
Watch student videos from the Flaherty Project
Second Life in Academia
Introduction to Second Life WorkshopApril 18, 2008
Colgate University & Hamilton College
Hamilton College and Colgate University collaborated on a workshop to introduce their campuses to Second Life (SL) and to explore some of the academic uses of SL.
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David J. Gunkel
Strategies for 21st Century Educators & StudentsFebruary 4, 2008
New Media Education concerns not whether and how we involve students in the study of the Internet, the World Wide Web, blogs, wikis, computer games, virtual worlds, etc. but also how these technological innovations necessitate new approaches to instruction and learning. New media, Dr. Gunkel will argue, are not just another phenomenon to be incorporated into the current curriculum or accommodated to existing disciplinary approaches. They simultaneously question many of the assumptions and standard operating procedures of liberal arts education, confronting both students and teachers with new challenges and opportunities. (Full Story)